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  • 11 Weekend Maps: Spain's Plan To Invade China, Football, Former Yugoslavia & More Gulf Of America

11 Weekend Maps: Spain's Plan To Invade China, Football, Former Yugoslavia & More Gulf Of America

So with that in mind who owns more of it?

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Welcome back to another issue of the Brilliant Maps newsletter.

Normally, geography doesn’t make headlines, but Trump’s decision to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America and have Google follow it has certainly had people talking.

So with that in mind who owns more of it?

The Gulf of Mexico’s (Gulf of America’s) EEZ: Who Owns More?

Map Of Taiwan’s Shiyu Islet Just 4km (2.5 miles) Offshore From Mainland China

Upside Down Globe (The World Turned Upside Down)

Closest 2024-25 English Premier League Football Club by Drive Time

One map product

Spain’s Bonkers Plan To Conquer China In 1588 (Empresa de China)

The Growth, Decline & Transformation of France’s Borders Between 985 & 1947

Maple Syrup Production by US State

Largest Stadium By Capacity In Each Country

Largest Stadium By Capacity In Each US State

Map Of The Breakup of Yugoslavia 1989 - 2008

Flag Map Of The Breakup of Yugoslavia 1989 - 2008

And if you enjoyed both of those you may also enjoy: 20 Similarities & Differences Between The Countries Of The Former Yugoslavia

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Maps From Earlier In The Week:

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