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- 11 Midweek Maps: Polish & Korean Diasporas & ad-free maps?
11 Midweek Maps: Polish & Korean Diasporas & ad-free maps?

Welcome back to another to another set of midweek, but before I get to them a bit of an update.
I found out this week, that in a few months the cost to send this newsletter is going to nearly triple.
This is down to more subscribers, which is a good thing. Thank you all for subscribing!
But also, the legacy plan I was on is ending, which is not so great.
Up until now, I’ve been happy to rely on ads to offset the cost sending the newsletter.
However, I hate ads, and I suspect many of you do too.
So, I’ve been wondering how many people would be interested in an ad-free edition of the newsletter. To start it would be the exact same as the current edition just with all the ads removed.
The cost would be set at $5/month or $50/year.
If you'd like to see this happen, I'm inviting 100% voluntary donations (of any amount) to help gauge interest.
When deciding how much interest there is for this, I was tempted to just conduct a poll and ask people what they thought.
But after several decades working online, I’ve found polls have a big limitation: people often say one thing, but do another.
Therefore, asking people to actually spend money (even a very small amount) has been a more accurate indicator in my experience, because it reveals their true willingness to pay for the product.
Your support will directly influence my decision to create a cleaner, distraction-free edition!
Plus, anyone who donates any amount will get at least 1 month free month if/when I do launch.
(Note this only applies to the newsletter and not the website. Unfortunately, I have to keep ads on the website for the time being to as web hosting for all the maps is an order of magnitude more expensive than the newsletter. However, if this is a success I may look into ad free options for the website in the future.)
And finally, don’t worry if you don’t want to (or can’t) pay. I’ll still be running the newsletter like normal with ads going forward. I just want to see if there’s any interest in an alterative.
Ok enough talk, on to the maps:
Map Of Polish Descendants & Diaspora Worldwide
The Technate of America: A Plan To Replace Partisan Politicians & Business People With Scientists & Engineers
Beaver Populations By Type in Europe: 1900 vs. 2021
Map Of Africa in 1880: 5 Years Before the Scramble
3 Most Common Street Names In Each European Country
Ireland’s Catastrophic Population Decline 1841-51 Due To The Potato Famine
The European Green Belt That Follows The Corridor of The Former Iron Curtain
Ethnic Map of Cyprus In 1960
Korean Diaspora & Immigrants By Country
The Growth Of Canada's Provinces & Territories 1867 - 2001
The Territorial Evolution of Mexico From 1824 to 1974 In 79 Seconds
One Random Product
Maps From Monday:
For more maps, you can also follow me here: